
Spring and summer energy-saving tips

When the dog days of summer move in, 中央空调似乎是家里唯一的降温方式. But for a variety of reasons, 包括成本, it may not be your best option – and the good news is, it’s not your only choice. Here are some other ways to chill out.

These home improvement changes can keep you cool and save you money.

  • 〇更换风扇 改变吊扇的方向,在冬天以低速顺时针旋转, pulling cool air up and pushing warm air down. The fan should run counterclockwise to push cooler air down.
  • Lower your water heater setting – Lowering your temperature setting a few degrees can also save energy. 将热水器温度降低到120度以下可以节省高达10%的热水器成本.
  • Keep the conditioned air in – Use kitchen, bath and other ventilating fans only as needed. In just one hour, these fans can exhaust a house full of warmed/cooled air. 
  • 不使用它? 拔掉插头 Unplug office equipment like printers, 碎纸机, 扫描仪, and other household appliances, like your coffee maker, to prevent them from pulling energy when not in use.  
  • 〇种一棵树  种植树木或灌木为空调澳门金沙登录提供阴凉,可以提高10%的效率.
  • Don't let a furnace pilot light burn all summer. 如果你的炉子有一个站立的指示灯,把它换成一个间歇点火装置. Then it will use fuel only when necessary.
  • Let the sun do the work – Use awnings to keep the sun out of south-facing windows in the summers, 你甚至可以设计悬挑,这样它们就能遮挡夏季的骄阳,同时让冬季的低阳照进来.
  • 清洁你的过滤器 – Clean or replace dirty air filters at least once per month. 堵塞或肮脏的过滤器会使你的空调和暖通空调系统更难工作,消耗更多的澳门金沙登录.
  • Summerize your fireplace – Check to make sure fireplace dampers are 关闭d and fit tightly.
  • Install an attic ventilator – 阁楼通风系统可以将冷空气吸进整个房子,并且可以澳门金沙登录提供和空调一样的舒适,而且成本要低得多. 在夏天的晚上,用这个系统“泵入”凉爽的空气,然后在白天把房子封闭起来. Attic ventilation is good for the heating season, too.
  • Thermostat placement matters – Do not place lamps or television sets near your thermostat. 恒温器 senses heat from appliances, and that might cause the A/C to run longer than necessary.


    • Turn off air conditioners when you leave the room for several hours. 你会用更少的澳门金沙登录冷却房间比如果你让它开着.
    • 修剪室外空调机组附近的灌木或植物,使空气流通.
    • 确保干衣机的出风口没有吹到室外空调上.
    • Keep storm windows 关闭d when the air conditioning is operating.
    • 将房间空调安装在北墙或建筑物阴凉处的一侧.
    • If you are using a window air conditioner, use a fan as well. It will spread cooled air without greatly increasing your power use.
    • Consider replacing old, 低效空调设备配以高效热泵或空调机组. 热泵在夏季冷却,在秋季和冬季澳门金沙登录提供热量.
    • 在购买空调设备或系统之前,要了解它的澳门金沙登录效率比. 用制冷量(单位为每小时Btu)除以所需能量(单位为瓦). An EER of 10 or more is very good, 8 or 9 is good, and 6 or 7 is fair. For the best savings, 寻找具有最高EER和最小容量的空调,以满足您的需求.


    • Periodic maintenance will keep your cooling system running efficiently.
    • 确保空调系统中的管道密封和绝缘, especially those that pass through the attic or other uncooled spaces.
    • 每个月在降温季节清洗或更换空调过滤器.
    • 报名参加 服务守护 our appliance repair and maintenance service.
    • 把空调恒温器调到75华氏度或更高——78华氏度更经济.
    • Use a programmable thermostat that can automatically raise the thermostat setting at least five degrees when no one is home; 85 degrees is ideal.
    • 要手动调节恒温器,一次调低几度,而不是一次全部调低. 提高恒温器的设置比关闭空调更经济,也更舒适.
    • 当你打开空调时,把你的恒温器设置得比平时更冷,并不能让你的家更快地冷却. It will cool to a lower temperature than you need and use more energy.
    • You can also save money and energy by installing a 控制器的需求 (Available in South Dakota only).
    • Keep blinds, shades and drapes 关闭d during the hottest part of the day. Shut your windows during the hottest hours of the day.
    • 调暗灯光. Standard incandescent light bulbs produce heat, so keep the lights low.
    • Cook during the early morning or late evening hours.
    • Use cold water whenever possible.
    • Close off unoccupied rooms by closing the vents and shutting the door.
    • 将热水器温度降低几度可以节省澳门金沙登录消耗.
    • 将家具搬离通风柜,让冷气自由流通.

    If you live in an area with low humidity, swamp coolers are an option. Also called evaporative cooling, 这些系统通过将室外温暖的空气传递到水饱和的衬垫上来运行. The water in the pads then evaporates, 将空气温度降低15到40度,然后再将其导入家中.

    你可以通过只在你想要降温的房间打开窗户来控制温度和湿度. Unlike central air conditioners, which recirculate cooled air throughout a house, swamp coolers draw in a steady stream of fresh air.

    沼泽冷却器的安装成本约为空调的一半,能耗约为空调的四分之一. 然而,它们确实需要更多的维护,并且不适合潮湿地区.

    (U.S. Department of Energy)


    窗口A/C机组在冷却小空间方面非常有效,而且操作起来相对便宜. They’re also a better option than swamp coolers in humid regions.


    整栋房子的风扇把空气从开着的窗户吸进来,再从阁楼和屋顶送出去. They’re designed to be used after sundown, 当它们可以吸收较冷的夜间空气来代替你家里的温暖空气时. 在中央空调变得更加普及和负担得起之前,全屋风扇是首选的冷却方法.

    Attic fans are meant to clear out the super-heated air from your attic. 它们可以与空调一起使用,以减少您的空调机组的工作量.


    窗口的粉丝 work by removing hot air from inside your house. To best cool your home, 将风扇向外放置在房屋较温暖的一侧,并紧紧关闭附近的窗户, then open windows on the far side of the house. 向内的风扇可以用在家里阴凉处的窗户上,以吸收较冷的空气.

    窗口的粉丝 use little energy. They are most effective when used in the evening, or when the air outside is cooler than the air inside.

    (www.consumerreports.org, U.S. Department of Energy)

    如果忽略过滤器的更换,你可能会严重降低家庭的澳门金沙登录效率. 美国.S. 环境保护署(EPA)建议每隔几个月更换一次过滤器,但你可以考虑更频繁地更换以达到最佳效率. Time it with your rent or mortgage payment to make it a snap to remember. 选择过滤器 with 2-inch to 4-inch fibers instead of a 1-inch layer.

    If you and your family aren’t home during the day, it’s okay to let your temperature go up a few degrees — but too much makes your system work double-duty to cool your home. It’s best to stay within a 5-degree margin. If you set the system at 78 degrees when at home, adjust it to no higher than 82 or 83 degrees while away.

    Keeping your air conditioner in tip-top shape is a year-round endeavor. 每年做一次空调检查,确保你的设备运转正常.

    根据能量.如果你的空调使用时间超过10年,你应该考虑更换它. Although an air conditioner can last up to 20 years in a normal environment, it loses about 40% of its efficiency after 10 years. 更新的技术还可以在升级时节省高达20%的冷却成本.

    Summer vacation savings

    Summer time is vacation time!

    When your house is vacant, your electric bill should go way down, right? 不总是这样. Many things continue to run in your home whether you are t在这里 or not. Here are a few tips to help lower electric usage while you are away:

    • Turn off your electric water heater
    • Raise the temperature of your refrigerator to 42-45 degrees
    • Put security lights on a timer
    • Turn off the air conditioning